Vibra-Fibing Neil Peart’s Drums: The Process (1982)

SKF NOTE: I think this is Neil Graham of Percussion Center, Wayne, IN speaking with me about the Percussion Center’s process of Vibra-Fibing Neil Peart‘s drumset, probably in response to a question from a Modern Drummer reader. If this is not Neil Graham, I would really appreciate any knowing source who will write and help me correct the record.

As I’m listening back to these old tapes I wish I had thought to record the interviewee’s name and the date of the recording. Lesson learned.

This conversation was probably in 1982 after Neil Peart launched a contest through MD to give away the Tama drumset pictured here. Vibra-Fibe was a unique process at this time. Especially since Neil Peart had his drumset Vibra-Fibe treated, lots of drummers wanted to know what the process was all about.

SKF NOTE: After this post I heard from a couple of people who knew Neil Graham. They confirmed that the person I’m speaking with in this audio excerpt is Neil Graham. (9/15/19)

About Scott K Fish
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